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Recruitment 根特大學(Ghent University),簡稱UGent,由荷蘭國王威廉一世於1817年創辦,迄今已有200多年歷史,是比利時學術排名第一的世界

Recruitment 根特大學(Ghent University),簡稱UGent,由荷蘭國王威廉一世於1817年創辦,迄今已有200多年歷史,是比利時學術排名第一的世界頂尖研究型大學。根特大學是一所對所有人開放的多元化大學,無論其意識形態,政治立場,文化或社會背景。根特大學的信條是——“敢於思考”。根特大學是比利時最大的大學之一,有11個學院:藝術與哲學學院、法學院、科學學院(理學院)、醫學與健康科學學院、工程學學院、經濟與工商管理學學院、獸醫學學院、心理與教育學學院、農業與應用生物科學學院、藥學院、政治與社會科學學院。



英文授課的本科專業有:環境技術、食品技術、分子生物技術、環境技術,食品技術和分子生物技術聯合專業、傳播學、政治學、社會學和社會科學等。1. 英語語言要求雅思6或托福842. 學制3年。

Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences:

-Political Sciences


-Communication Studies

碩士項目Master programme taught in English 普通英語授課碩士項目學制1-2年學費1800-5600歐/年語言要求:雅思6-7分,托福84-100要求本科專業相關背景 Faculty of Arts and Philosophy文學與哲學學院1)Master of Arts in African Studies 非洲研究文學碩士2)Master of Arts in Global Studies 全球研究文學碩士3)Master of Arts in Technology for Translation and Interpreting 翻譯與口譯技術碩士

4)Research Master of Artsin Philosophy 哲學研究文學碩士

Faculty of Law and Criminology 法律與犯罪學學院1)European Master of Laws in Law and Economics 法學與經濟學碩士2)Master of Laws in European Union Law 歐盟法碩士3)Master of Laws in International and European Law國際法和歐洲法4)Master of Laws in International Business Law國際商法法學碩士5)Master of Science in Maritime Science海洋科學碩士

6)International Master of Science in Advanced Research in Criminology: Border Crossing, Security and Social Justice 國際犯罪學高級研究理學碩士:邊境過境、安全和社會正義

Faculty of Sciences 理學院

1)Master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology生物化學與生物技術碩士

2)Master in Bioinformatics (Systems Biology)生物信息學(系統生物學)碩士

3)Master in Bioinformatics (Bioscience Engineering)生物信息學(生物科學工程)碩士

4)Master in Bioinformatics (Engineering)生物信息學(工程)碩士

5)Master of Biology生物學碩士

6)Master of Chemistry (Analytical and Environmental Chemistry)化學碩士(分析與環境化學)

7)Master of Chemistry ((Bio)Organic and Polymer Chemistry)化學碩士(生物)有機與高分子化學

8)Master of Chemistry (Materials and Nano Chemistry)化學碩士(材料與納米化學)

9)Master of Geology地質學碩士

10)Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management海洋與湖泊科學與管理碩士

11)International Master of Marine Biological Resources國際海洋生物資源碩士

12)International Master of Agro- and Environmental Nematology國際農業與環境線蟲學碩士“,

13)Master of Sustainable Land Management (Land and Groundwater Management)可持續土地管理碩士(土地和地下水管理)

14)Master of Sustainable Land Management (Urban Land Engineering )可持續土地管理碩士(城市土地工程)

15)Master of Plant Biotechnology植物生物技術碩士

16)Master of Space Studies空間研究碩士

17)Master of Statistical Data Analysis統計數據分析碩士學位

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences醫學與健康科學學院1)Master of Biomedical Sciences生物醫學碩士

2)Master of Advanced Dentistry (Endodontics)高級牙科碩士(牙髓學)

3)Master of Advanced Dentistry (Orthodontics)高級牙科碩士(正畸)

4)Master of Advanced Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry and Special Care)高級牙科碩士(兒科牙科及特殊護理)

5)Master of Global Health全球健康碩士

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture工程與建築學院1)Master of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (Transport and Mobility Engineering)工業工程與運籌學碩士(運輸與移動工程)

2)Master of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (Manufacturing and Supply Chain Engineering)工業工程與運籌學碩士(制造與供應鏈工程)

3)Master of Biomedical Engineering生物醫學工程碩士

4)International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering生物醫學工程國際理學碩士

5)Master of Chemical Engineering化學工程碩士

6)Master of Civil Engineering土木工程碩士

7)Master of Computer Science Engineering計算機科學工程碩士學位

8)Master of Electrical Engineering (Communication and Information Technology )電氣工程(通信與信息技術)碩士

9)Master of Electrical Engineering (Electronic Circuits and Systems)電氣工程碩士(電子電路與系統)

10)Master of Electromechanical Engineering (Control Engineering and Automation)機電工程(控制工程及自動化)碩士

11)Master of Electromechanical Engineering (Electrical Power Engineering)機電工程碩士(電力工程)

12)Master of Electromechanical Engineering (Maritime Engineering)機電工程碩士(海事工程)

13)Master of Electromechanical Engineering (Mechanical Construction)機電工程(機械工程)碩士

14)Master of Electromechanical Engineering (Mechanical Energy Engineering)機電工程碩士(機械能工程)

15)Master of Engineering Physics工程物理碩士

16)International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering國際消防安全工程理學碩士

17)Master of Fire Safety Engineering消防安全工程碩士

18)European Master of Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics歐洲核聚變與工程物理碩士

19)European Master of Photonics歐洲光子學碩士

20)Master of Photonics Engineering光子學工程碩士

21)Master of Sustainable Materials Engineering可持續材料工程碩士

22)International Master of Textile Engineering國際紡織工程碩士

23)Master of Textile Engineering紡織工程碩士

24)Master of Nuclear Engineering核工程碩士

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration經濟與工商管理學院1)Master of Business Economics (Accountancy)商業經濟學碩士(會計學)

2)Master of Business Economics (Corporate Finance )商業經濟學碩士(企業金融)

3)Master of Business Economics (Marketing)商業經濟學碩士(市場營銷)

4)Master of Business Engineering (Data Analytics)商業工程(數據分析)碩士

5)Master of Business Engineering (Finance)商業工程碩士(金融)

6)Master of Business Engineering (Operations


7)Master of Economics經濟學碩士

8)Master of Economics of Globalisation and European Integration全球化和歐洲一體化經濟學碩士

9)Master of Banking and Finance銀行與金融碩士

10)Master of Data Science for Business商業數據科學碩士

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering生物科學工程學院1)Master of Aquaculture水產養殖碩士

2)Master of Bioscience Engineering: Cell and Gene Biotechnology生物科學工程碩士:細胞與基因生物技術

3)Master of Environmental Science and Technology環境科學與技術碩士

4)International Master of Environmental Technology and Engineering國際環境技術與工程碩士

5)Master of Food Technology食品技術碩士

6)International Master of Health Management in Aquaculture國際水產養殖健康管理碩士

7)Master of Nutrition and Rural Development營養與農村發展碩士

8)Master of Pharmaceutical Engineering制藥工程碩士

9)International Master of Science in Rural Development國際農村發展科學碩士

10)International Master of Soils and Global Change (Soil Biogeochemistry and Global Change)土壤與全球變化國際碩士(土壤生物地球化學與全球變化)

11)International Master of Soils and Global Change (Physical Land Resources and Global Change)土壤與全球變化國際碩士(自然土地資源與全球變化)

12)International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management可持續與創新自然資源管理國際理學碩士

13)Master of Sustainable Food Packaging可持續食品包裝碩士

Faculty of Political and Social Sciences政治與社會科學學院1)Master of Conflict and Development Studies沖突與發展研究碩士

2)Master of Arts in Global Studies全球研究文科碩士

3)Master of Sociology社會學碩士

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences藥學院

1)International Master of Sustainable Drug Discovery國際可持續藥物研發碩士

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences心理與教育科學學院

1)European Master of Clinical Linguistics歐洲臨床語言學碩士

博士項目英語授課的博士有以下3種:1、根特大學和其他大學合辦的博士學位,可以申請獎學金2、5大領域的博士項目,如藝術、人文和法律類,社會及行為科學,自然科學,(生物科學)工程,生命科學與醫學等,學費250-500歐/每個項目,獎學金最多5000歐/項目。3、交叉學科聯合培養博士項目,畢業可以獲得雙學位博士項目,可以申請獎助學金,博士項目如下:Doctor of African Languages and Cultures非洲語言和文化Doctor of Archaeology考古學Doctor of Arts: Audiovisual Arts文學博士:視聽藝術Doctor of Arts: Visual Arts文學博士:視覺藝術Doctor of Comparative Science of Cultures比較文學Doctor of Arts: Drama:戲劇Doctor of East European Languages and Cultures東歐語言和文化Doctor of Art Science藝術科學Doctor of Literary Studies文學研究Doctor of Moral Sciences道德科學Doctor of Arts: Music藝術:音樂Doctor of Oriental Languages and Cultures東方語言文化Doctor of History歷史Doctor of Linguistics語言學Doctor of Linguistics and Literature語言學與文學Doctor of Translation Studies翻譯研究Doctor of Philosophy哲學Doctor of American Studies美國研究Doctor of Gender and Diversity Studies性別與多樣性研究Doctor of Criminological Sciences犯罪學Doctor of Notary's Practice公證人的執業方面Doctor of Law法學Doctor of Maritime Sciences海事科學Doctor of Science理學Doctor of Science: Astronomy理學:天文學Doctor of Science: Biochemistry and Biotechnology理學:生物化學與生物技術Doctor of Science: Bioinformatics理學:生物信息學 Doctor of Science: Biochemistry理學:生物化學Doctor of Science: Biology理學:生物學Doctor of Science: Biotechnology理學:生物技術Doctor of Science: Chemistry理學:化學Doctor of Science: Physics理學:物理學Doctor of Science: Geography理學:地理Doctor of Science: Geology理學:地質學Doctor of Science: Geomatics and Surveying理學:地理與測量Doctor of Computer Science 計算機科學Doctor of Science: Marine Sciences理學:海洋科學Doctor of Statistical Data Analysis統計數據分析Doctor of Science: Mathematics理學:數學Doctor of Health Sciences 健康科學Doctor of Engineering工程學Doctor of Architectural Sciences and Engineering建築科學與工程Doctor of Biomedical Engineering生物醫學工程Doctor of Industrial Design Engineering Technology工業設計工程技術博士Doctor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research工業工程與運營研究博士Doctor of Information Engineering Technology信息工程技術博士Doctor of Civil Engineering土木工程Doctor of Civil Engineering Technology土木工程技術Doctor of Chemical Engineering化學工程Doctor of Chemical Engineering Technology化學工程技術Doctor of Computer Science Engineering計算機科學工程Doctor of Electrical Engineering電氣工程Doctor of Electrical Engineering Technology電氣工程技術Doctor of Photonics Engineering光子工程學Doctor of Maritime Engineering海事工程Doctor of Materials Engineering材料工程Doctor of Urbanism and Spatial Planning城市主義與空間規劃Doctor of Textile Engineering紡織工程Doctor of Engineering Physics工程物理Doctor of Engineering Technology工程技術Doctor of Fire Safety Engineering消防安全工程Doctor of Mathematical Engineering數學工程Doctor of Electromechanical Engineering機電工程Doctor of Electromechanical Engineering Technology機電工程技術Doctor of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology電子與ICT工程技術Doctor of Economics經濟學Doctor of Business Economics商業經濟學Doctor of Public Administration and Management公共行政與管理Doctor of Business Administration商業管理Doctor of Veterinary Science獸醫學Doctor of Educational Sciences教育學Doctor of Psychology心理學Doctor of Social Work and Social Welfare Studies社會工作與社會福利研究Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences應用生物學Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Land and Water Management應用生物學:土地與水管理Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Cell and Gene Biotechnology應用生物學:細胞和基因生物技術Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Agricultural Sciences應用生物學:農學Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Aquaculture應用生物學:水產養殖Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Environmental Technology應用生物學:環境技術Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Food Science and Nutrition應用生物學:食品科學與營養Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Forest and Nature Management應用生物學:森林與自然管理Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Rural Development應用生物學:鄉村發展Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Industrial Biosciences應用生物學:工業生物科學Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology應用生物學:化學與生物工藝技術Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences藥學Doctor of Communication Science傳播科學Doctor of EU-Studies歐盟研究Doctor of Political Sciences政治學Doctor of Sociology社會學Combined degree for an interdisciplinary doctorate跨學科博士學位的綜合學位


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