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秦川英語詞匯量(詞語辨析:compensate, balance, counterbalance)

秦川英語詞匯量(5824) 5824, compensate- [ˈkɒmpenseɪt] 詞語辨析: compensate, balance, counterbalanc

秦川英語詞匯量(5824) 5824, compensate- [ˈkɒmpenseɪt] 詞語辨析: compensate, balance, counterbalance這三個動詞的一般含義是“均衡”、“平衡”或“彌補”。 1.compensate 表示彌補所受的損失或所遭遇的疾苦,其實也是一種“均衡” To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than was good for him.為瞭補償他住院期間的不愉快的經歷,這個人喝多瞭一點酒。 Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.一個人失去瞭鍵康是不可彌補的。 It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. Of course the former are the majority. They have their compensations. 也可以說,勤勞而有理性的、對社會有益的人共分為兩類:第一類人的工作是工作,娛樂是娛樂;第二類人的工作就是娛樂。當然,第一類人是絕大多數,他們勞逸均衡。 2.balance 指兩種或兩種以上的事物之間的相互平衡,既可以指數量、大小、重要性或數目上的均衡,也可以指影響方面的均衡。 This side balances the other side.這一方面與那一方面勢均力敵。 Can you balance yourself on skates?你穿著冰鞋能保持身體平衡嗎? 3.counterbalance 比 balance 多一層“抵消”的意思,即為瞭和對方保持平衡而抵消對方占優勢的部分或彌補自己的不足。 Mine hoists are usually operated by the counterbalance of an ascending and a descending car. 礦井升降機通常用一個升車一個落車互相平衡的方法進行操作。 The boy's earnest effort counterbalanced his slowness at learning.這孩子孜孜不倦的努力抵消瞭他學習的遲鈍。


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