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Happy Mooncake Festival!

Happy Mid-autumn day!

Happy Moon Festival!

Happy Mid-autumn Festival!


The fifteenth of each month in the lunar calendar is the day of the full moon. Mid-Autumn Day falls during the autumn equinox. During this time, the days are especially bright and crisp and the sky is very clear, which makes it the perfect time to appreciate the moon’s beauty.

lunar calendar 農歷

crisp adj. 清新的

appreciate the moon’s beauty 賞月


Chinese people, especially the poets, have a special emotion for the moon. The affections they hold may surpass those of any other nations in the world, forming a special moon sentiment. The sight of the moon can affect their emotions, and arouse their hopes and dreams for the future.

have a special emotion for 有一種特殊的情感

affection n. 喜愛,感情;影響

surpass v. 超越;超過

form a special moon sentiment 形成瞭一種獨特的月亮情結


The full moon on the Mid-Autumn Day reminds people of their families and triggers their longing for a family reunion. It is for sure a time for people to come home to see their parents and relatives.

trigger the longing for a family reunion 激發思鄉之情


During this full moon holiday, sacrificial offerings and moon-gazing are essential customs. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Day, people have fruits and moon cakes, the most round food is offered to the moon, while the rest is for the family to enjoy as they appreciate the moon’s beauty.

During this full moon holiday 在這樣一個月圓的節日裡

sacrificial [,sækri’fiʃəl] adj. 犧牲的;獻祭的

sacrificial offerings 祭品

moon-gazing 賞月


Originally the moon cake was used only for sacrificial offerings during the Moon Ceremony. Later it gradually became a symbolic food of the Moon Festival. It resembles the full moon on the night of the Mid-Autumn Day, representing reunion. After the entire family offers a sacrificial slice to the moon, they cut the rest in slices on the number of members of the family, including those family members who did not make it to the gathering.

symbolic food 象征性食品

resemble vt. 類似,像

make it to 及時趕到;趕上



五仁月餅 five kernel moon cakes

紅豆沙月餅 red bean paste moon cakes

棗泥月餅 jujube paste moon cakes

蓮蓉月餅 lotus seed paste moon cakes

咸蛋黃月餅 yolks from salted duck eggs moon cakes

雲腿月餅 ham moon cakes

冰皮月餅 snow skin moon cakes

京式月餅 Beijing-style moon cakes

蘇式月餅 Suzhou-style moon cakes

廣式月餅 Cantonese-style moon cakes

港式月餅 Hong Kong-style moon cakes


a crescent moon 新月;月牙

first quarter 半月 ;上弦月

Third quarter, last quarter 半月,下弦月

a full moon 滿月

waxing crescent 娥眉月,盈月

a harvest moon 豐收之月(秋分前後的圓月)

serene 寧靜的

luminous 明亮的




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