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50 trans-(tran-,tra-)[L]=across; beyond; over在單詞translate(翻譯)中有個常用的前綴trans-,它原是拉丁介詞,基本

50 trans-(tran-,tra-)[L]=across; beyond; over

在單詞translate(翻譯)中有個常用的前綴trans-,它原是拉丁介詞,基本含義為across, over, beyond,即表示“穿、越、超”之意。當它出現在拉丁借詞中時,有tran-和tra-兩個異體。tran-用在以s開頭的詞根前,tran-出現在少數以d, j, m, v開頭的詞根前。15世紀以後,trans-也作用派生前綴與單詞結合,這時它沒有形態變化。


transact [trans-=across穿過;act=to drive驅使⇒“to drive or carry across使通過”→]v. carry on; manage執行;辦理 / It took him ten minutes to transact his business at bank. 處理銀行事務花瞭他10分鐘時間。

▷transaction n. 辦理;執行;交易;事務

transfer [trans-=across穿過;fer=to bear運載⇒“to bear across運到對面去”→]v. remove from one person or place to another; hand over轉移;傳遞 / This firm has been transferred to my son. 這公司已經移交給我兒子瞭。

▷transference n. 轉移;調動;轉讓

transferor n. 轉讓人

transferee n. 受讓人

transferable a. 可轉移的;可轉讓的

translate [trans-=across到另一方;lat=to carry帶;-e⇒“to carry an idea into another language將某種意思帶到另一種語言去”→]v. change into another language翻譯 / He is translating a book from French into English. 他正把一本法文書翻譯成英文。

▷translation n. 翻譯;譯文,譯本

transmit [trans-=over超過;mit=to send送→]v. send over; pass on傳送;傳達 / I will transmit the money by special messenger. 我將派專人把這筆款送去。

▷transmitter n. 傳送者,傳達者;發報機

transmission n. 傳送,傳達;發射,播送[miss=mit]

transparent [trans-=across or through穿透;par=to appear現;-ent a.=-ing⇒“appearing through穿透而現的”→]a. easy to see through透明的 / Window glass is transparent. 窗玻璃是透明的。

▷transparency n. 透明;透明度;透明物


transcribe [tran-(trans-)=over過;scrib=to write寫;-e⇒“to write over抄寫過來”→]v. copy in writing or in typewriting抄寫,謄寫;用打字機打出復本 / The typist quickly transcribed the letter from the shorthand notes. 打字員迅速地按速記稿打出那封信。

▷transcript n. 抄本;謄本;副本;肄業證書

transcription n. 抄寫,謄寫;按速記稿打出文字

transpire [tran-(trans-)=through透;spir=to breathe呼吸;-e⇒“to breathe through透氣”→]v. ①send off the waste matter through the skin, leaf, etc. 排出,蒸發 / Man transpires even in cold winter. 人類甚至在寒冷的冬天也在排汗。②leak out; make known泄露,被人知道 / It later transpired that the king had been ill by then. 後來才透露出,國王當時就已經生病瞭。

▷transpiration n. 蒸發,排出;植物蒸騰作用

tradition [tra-(trans-)=over過;dit=to give給;-ion=-ing⇒“giving over傳過來”→]n. passing down of custom, belief, etc. 傳統 / We should keep up the fine tradition of hardwork. 我們要保持艱苦奮鬥的好傳統。

traverse [tra-(trans-)=across越;vers=to turn轉動;-e⇒“to turn across翻越過去”→]v. move across橫越 / This railway traverses the whole country. 這條鐵路橫貫全國。


transatlantic [trans-=across橫貫;Atlantic n. 大西洋→]a. crossing the Atlantic橫越大西洋的 / The dispatch was sent by transatlantic cable. 這條電訊是通過橫貫大西洋的海底電纜派發出去的。

transnational [trans-=beyond超越;national a. 國傢的→]a. extending beyond national bounds超越國界的,跨國的 / This company has been taken over by a transnational company. 該公司已被某跨國公司所接管。

transship [trans-=across跨越;ship v. 用船裝運⇒“to carry a cargo from one ship to another將貨物從一船裝到另一船”→]v. transfer from one ship, train, etc. to another轉船,轉載 / The goods should be transshipped at Hongkong. 這批貨要在香港轉船。

▷transshipment n. 轉船運輸;轉載

練習 50


① transalpine a. 在阿爾卑斯山那邊的  (  )a. across

② transfix n. 刺穿  (  )b. beyond

③ transcendent a. 超常的  (  )c. through

④ translation n. 翻譯  (  )d. into another


A 例:Atlantic n. 大西洋→transatlantic a. 跨越大西洋的

① oceanic a. 海洋的→transoceanic a. _______

② Pacific n. 太平洋→transpacific a. _______

③ continental a. 大陸的→transcontinental a. _______

B 例:national a. 國傢的→transnational a. 超越國傢的

① natural a. 自然的→transnatural a. _______

② normal a. 常規的→transnormal a. _______

③ personal a. 個人的→transpersonal a. _______


A trans-+元音開頭的詞根(+後綴)→原生詞

① transaction [act=to do]  (  )a. 願意妥協者

② transigent [ig=to do]  (  )b. 通行;運輸

③ transit [it=to go]  (  )c. 橫檔;氣窗

④ transom [om=beam]  (  )d. 超鈾的;鈾後的

⑤ transuranic [uran鈾]  (  )e. 交易

B trans-+輔音開頭的詞根→原生詞

① transform [form=to form]  (  )a. 使互換位置;調換

② transfuse [fus=to pour]  (  )b. 傾註;灌輸

③ transgress [gress=to go]  (  )c. 運輸;運送

④ transport [port=to carry]  (  )d. 侵越;越過

⑤ transpose [pos=to place]  (  )e. 變形;改變

C tran-(trans-)+以s開頭的詞根→原生詞

① transcend [scend=to climb]  (  )a. (使)滲出

② transcribe [scrib=to write]  (  )b. 橫切,橫斷

③ transept [sept=fence]  (  )c. 交叉通道

④ transect [sect=to cut]  (  )d. 超越;勝過

⑤ transude [sud=sweat]  (  )e. 抄寫;謄寫

D tra-(trans-)+詞根(+後綴)→原生詞

① tradition [dit=to give]  (  )a. 傳統

② trajectory [ject=to throw]  (  )b. 射體軌道;彈道

③ tramontane [mont=mountain]  (  )c. 橫越;穿過

④ traverse [vers=to turn]  (  )d. 滑稽地模仿

⑤ travesty [vest=to dress]  (  )e. 在山那邊的

E trans-(=across)+單詞→派生詞

① translocation  (  )a. 移植,移種

② transmigrate  (  )b. 改變位置,易位

③ transplant  (  )c. 轉船運輸;轉載

④ transshipment  (  )d. 移居者,移民

⑤ transposition  (  )e. 互換位置



① transfinite  (  )a. 超限的;無限的

② transfrontier  (  )b. 在國境外的

③ translunar  (  )c. 超海的;海外的

④ transmarine  (  )d. 超過月球的;月球外側的

⑤ transalpine  (  )e. 阿爾卑斯山那邊(北面)的


① transducer n. 轉換品[duc=lead]

② transfigure v. 使改觀;美化

③ transfix v. 刺穿;釘住[fix=to fasten]

④ transient a. 路過的;短暫的[ient=going]

⑤ transmute v. 使變形,使變質[mut=to change]

⑥ transverse a. 橫向的;橫切的[vers=to turn]


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