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The Classical Gardens of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province, also known as "Suzhou Gardens", is the general name of Chinese classical gardens located in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.


Suzhou is known as the "City of Gardens". Private gardens in the city were first built in the 6th century BC. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were over 170 gardens inside and outside the city, and there are currently over 50.


The Classical Gardens of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province combines house and garden, which can be appreciated, visited and lived. The formation of this architectural form is a creation of human attachment to nature, pursuit of harmonious coexistence with nature.


Suzhou is located in a water town with numerous lakes, ditches, and ponds, which is very conducive to utilizing the terrain to build forest gardens. The Taihu Lake Lake stones abound nearby, which is suitable for building exquisite rockeries.


Suzhou's folk customs have always advocated art, passed down through the ages, and have never declined. Whether it is rural residential buildings or government offices, their construction and design are meticulous and unique.


Bai Juyi said in his "Caotang Ji": "Covering the fallen earth as a platform, gathering fist stones as a mountain, and surrounding the water as a pool", which is the paradigm of literati gardens.

蘇州園林中滄浪亭、獅子林、拙政園、留園分別代表著宋(公元948~1264年)、元(公元1271~1368年)、 明(公元1369~1644年)、清(公元1644~1911年)四個朝代的藝術風格,被稱為“蘇州四大名 園”。

The Canglang Pavilion, Lion Forest, Humble Administrator's Garden, and Lingering Garden in Suzhou gardens respectively represent the artistic styles of the Song (948-1264 AD), Yuan (1271-1368 AD), Ming (1369-1644 AD), and Qing (1644-1911 AD) dynasties, and are known as the "Four Famous Gardens in Suzhou".

拙政園——位於蘇州市婁門內東北街178號,是江南園林的代表,也是蘇州園林中面積最大的 古典山水園林,現列為全國重點文物保護單位。此地初為唐代詩人陸龜蒙的住宅,元朝時為大 弘(宏)寺。

Humble Administrator's Garden – located at 178 Northeast Street, Loumen Inner District, Suzhou City, is a representative of Jiangnan gardens and the largest classical landscape garden in Suzhou.

明正德四年(公元1509),明代弘治進士、明嘉靖年間禦史王獻臣仕途失意歸隱 蘇州後將其買下,聘著名畫傢、吳門畫派的代表人物文征明參與設計藍圖,歷時16年建成。

In the fourth year of the Zhengde reign of the Ming Dynasty (1509 AD), during the reign of Emperor Hongzhi of the Ming Dynasty and Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, Wang Xianchen, who had failed in his official career, returned to Suzhou and bought it.

留園——與北京頤和園、承德避暑山莊、蘇州拙政園齊名。坐落在蘇州市閶(音:chāng) 門外,始建於明嘉靖年間(公元1522~1566年),另一資料:留園修建於明天順四年(公元 1460年)。原為明代徐時泰的東園,清代歸劉蓉峰所有,改稱寒碧山莊,俗稱“劉園”。清光 緒二年又為盛旭人所據,始稱留園。留園占地約30畝。

Lingering Gardens – as famous as the Summer Palace in Beijing, Chengde Mountain Resort and Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou. Located in Changchang, Suzhou City ā Outside the gate, it was first built during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty (1522-1566 AD).

獅子林——蘇州四大名園之一,至今已有650多年的歷史,為元代園林的代表。位於江蘇省 蘇州市城區東北角的園林路23號,平面成東西稍寬的長方形,占地1.1公頃,開放面積0.88公 頃。園內假山遍佈,長廊環繞,樓臺隱現,曲徑通幽,有迷陣一般的感覺。

Lion Forest, one of the four famous gardens in Suzhou, has a history of over 650 years and is a representative of the Yuan Dynasty gardens. Located at No. 23 Yuanyuan Road in the northeast corner of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

長廊的墻壁中嵌有 宋代四大名傢蘇軾、米芾、黃庭堅、蔡襄的書法碑及南宋文天祥《梅花詩》的碑刻作品。

The walls of the corridor are embedded with calligraphy tablets by the four famous Song Dynasty masters Su Shi, Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian, and Cai Xiang, as well as inscriptions from Wen Tianxiang's "Plum Blossom Poetry" of the Southern Song Dynasty.

滄浪亭——在江蘇吳縣城內郡學之南,錢氏廣陵王元璙別圃,宋蘇舜欽得之,築亭曰滄浪,因 作滄浪亭記,積水彌數十畝,旁有小山,高下曲折,與水相縈帶,舜欽死,屢易主,紹興時曾 歸韓世忠傢,俗名韓王園。

Canglang Pavilion – located south of the county school in Wuxian City, Jiangsu Province, in the Yuanbei Garden of King Guangling of the Qian family. It was acquired by Emperor Su Shun of the Song Dynasty and built as Canglang Pavilion.

由元迤明,廢為僧居,舊有飛虹橋、濯纓亭、清香館、翠玲瓏、瑤 華境界諸勝,明歸有光、清宋犖皆有記,至今為吳中勝境。

From the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, it was abandoned as a monk's residence. In the past, there were various scenic spots such as Feihong Bridge, Zhuoying Pavilion, Qingxiang Pavilion, Cuilinglong, and Yaohua Realm.


The Chinese philosophy, history and humanistic customs contained in the Classical Gardens of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province are a symbol and concentration of the cultural and historical traditions and local customs in the south of the Yangtze River.


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