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ANU College of ENGINEERING, COMPUTING AND CYBERNETICShttps://cecc.anu.edu.au/study/par


  • https://cecc.anu.edu.au/study/partner-uni/beijing-institute-technology

School of Engineering

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
  • BEng in Software Engineering (Hons)
  • https://eng.anu.edu.au/education/01-undergrad/#bengrd-4-year
  • https://eng.anu.edu.au/about/
  • People Dr Siva [email protected]

School of Computing

  • Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)
  • Annual indicative fee for international students$49,330.00
  • https://programsandcourses.anu.edu.au/program/AACOM
  • ANU課程 https://programsandcourses.anu.edu.au/catalogue?FilterByCourses=true&Source=Breadcrumb
  • Bachelor of Science 3年 (減免1年)Transferring between Programs
  • Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours)
  • Applying for course credit and exemption
  • The following standard census dates apply at ANU:
  • First Semester Census Date is 31 March
  • Second Semester Census Date is 31 August
  • https://www.anu.edu.au/students/program-administration/program-management/census-dates

有關UKVI 雅思,目前大部分專業都認可瞭

  • 每年學費 (分Band幾檔)
  • https://www.anu.edu.au/students/program-administration/fees-payments/tuition-fees-summary
  • CS Annual indicative fee for international students $49,330.00 For further information on International Tuition Fees see: https://www.anu.edu.au/students/program-administration/fees-payments/international-tuition-fees
  • https://www.anu.edu.au/files/advisory/Schedule%20of%20Tuition%20fees%202022%20V2.pdf
  • English language requirements and post-admission support (for applications to study on or after 1 December 2022) 語言要求
  • https://www.anu.edu.au/study/study-options FireFox


  • https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XY-LH9EHWHi_8ibTS70AwQ
  • https://weibo.com/1716216201/N6j44Cq8U CECC學院減免學分要求2個表格
  • If the applicant wishes to be assessed for credit, please complete an Application for status (credit transfer)(PDF) and send it to the relevant college. Applications for credit and exemption are considered, approved, and processed by the relevant academic college.
  • For more information, please refer to www.anu.edu.au/students/program-administration/program-management/get-course-credit-or-exemption
  • Research writing
  • Are you doing Honours, MPhil or a PhD? Writing a thesis, exegesis or a publication? Learn how you can manage a research project from start to finish and communicate its significance with authority.

Research proposals

  • » Purpose
  • » Focusing
  • » Structuring
  • » Writing
  • 悉尼大學https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/389218240
  • 新南https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/395419160
  • 墨大https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/431603130
  • 莫納什 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/433492077
  • 昆士蘭大學 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/394047460
  • 西澳大學https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/532163268
  • 阿德雷德https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/554271111

  • PHD 方向 Programs and Courses
  • Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)導師信息 https://health.anu.edu.au/study/research/doctor-philosophy
  • Medical and Health College 導師 Profile Researcher profiles
  • ANU-CSC Scholarship
  • English language admission requirements and post-admission support (for applications to study on or after 1 December 2022) Research PHD


1. Prospective research students first need to identify a research project and find an academic supervisor.

  • Email your academic supervisor directly to enquire about projects and supervision.
  • Your email should outline the reason(s) why you are attracted to their field of research, the type of research you would like to pursue and a summary of your academic qualifications and research experience.
  • You may also submit a short research proposal, however, this is not mandatory at this point.

2. Once an academic supervisor has been confirmed to support your application you may proceed to step three.

  • Contact College of Health & Medicine HDR administrator for more detailed information: [email protected]

3. Areas of research and find a primary supervisor: Please check out this website: How to apply for MPhil and PhD

  • Aged & chronic care
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular & renal disease
  • Critical care & emergency medicine
  • Diabetes & endocrinology
  • Infection & immunity
  • Liver disease & gastroenterology
  • Medical education
  • Men, women & children's health
  • Neurosciences & vision
  • Nursing & midwifery
  • Primary health care, public health care & health services
  • Psychiatry & addiction medicine
  • Trauma & orthopaedic
  • Culture, health and medicine
  • Medical education
  • Researcher profiles

4. Admission requirements (research school level) How to apply for MPhil and PhDTo be eligible to be considered for admission to a postgraduate research degree at ANU, you must hold:

  • 1. An Australian Bachelor degree with at least Second Class Honours – Upper (First Class Honours is often required) or its international equivalent, or
  • 2. Another degree with a significant research/thesis component that may be assessed as equivalent to paragraph (1), or
  • 3. A combination of qualifications, research publications and/or professional experience related to the field of study that may be assessed as equivalent to paragraph (1).
  • 4. All applicants must meet the University's English Language Admission Requirements for students.
  • Postgraduate (advanced) programs are also eligible.
  • More general requirements include three referees etc., please check out: https://www.anu.edu.au/study/apply/anu-postgraduate-research-domestic-and-international-applications

5. Scholarship Please contact [email protected] for ANU scholarship options.

(if applicants received the ANU scholarship, then you don’t have to apply for CSC)

  • ANU-CSC scholarship: Please check out this website for more information https://www.anu.edu.au/study/scholarships/find-a-scholarship/anu-csc-scholarship
  • Some basic criteria:
  • Be a citizen and permanent resident of the PRC at the time of application
  • Meet all ANU admissions entry requirements including the English proficiency requirement, and receive either an unconditional offer of a place in an ANU PhD program, or an offer conditional on completion of their current program
  • ·Be selected by their ANU College or Research School for an HDR Fee Remission Merit Scholarship (applicants need to talk to the


  • 1.分輪申請&錄取名額有限。澳洲國立大學會繼續出具2月和7月開學的offer,但ANU將會在每個學期劃分為三輪申請。此外,如果申請成功並獲得ANU的offer, 需要在規定的時間內接受offer,否則offer會被學校取消。(
  • 2.從2020年開始,每一輪申請隻能遞交一個專業的申請;
  • 3. 需滿足學校語言條件後才能遞交申請。也就是說,澳國立不提供雙錄取!!!
  • 4. 3年學制的學生在申請階段必須提供5個學期成績單;4年學制的學生在申請階段必須提供7個學期成績單才會拿到full offer。換句話說,針對所有申請本科課程和研究生課程的學生來說,ANU將不會在出具conditional offer和conditional COE。
  • 5. 符合最低入學要求的學生計入排名,擇優錄取。ANU將錄取名額平均分配給6大區的學生(東亞區、歐洲區、北美區、南亞區、東南亞區以及世界其他地區)。澳洲國立大學會根據申請人的學術成績,申請專業個別要求以及語言成績進行評估,擇優錄取(詳細內容可參考申請評審流程stage 2的內容)。
  • 6. 獎學金。ANU獎學金將不用申請人額外遞交申請,學校會自動評估發放,屆時收到的offer letter上面會有相關的內容。
  • Unfortunately, we have stopped issuing conditional offers since 2019. The applicant has to provide valid English proficiency evidence when submitting the application, to be able to be considered. Hope this information helps.
  • You can apply at any time throughout the year.
  • Most applications submitted before the 15th day of each month will be considered for an offer on the 1st day of the following month.
  • You can change your degree preference between the 9th and 15th day of each month.
  • You will have two months to accept your offer from ANU.
  • https://www.anu.edu.au/study/apply/international-applications-undergraduate-and-postgraduate


  • Programs and Courses
  • https://www.anu.edu.au/study/related-information/prospective-international-students


Some notable alumni

  • Ms Jing Guo, Former university medalist (2012), Submitted her PhD at ANU in Telecommunications and recently appointed as a Research Fellow (academic) with RSENG.
  • Hanchi Chen, First Class graduated in 2013, Now PhD Student at ANU – final year
  • Ms Yeqing Hu, Former university medalist (2012), PhD student at Monash.
  • Mr Yan Lu, Former university medalist (2015), Now a masters student in Columbia University.
  • Ms Anita Mengzhuo Lu, Graduated with First Class in 2015, now a masters student in Columbia University, intern at United nations.
  • Mr Xian Wu, PhD student at ANU.
  • Dr. Biao He BIT, First Class graduated in 2012, finished his PhD at ANU in Telecommunications in 2016 under the supervision of Xiangyun (Sean) Zhou, and now appointed as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).
  • Fan He, graduated 2015, now a PhD student at NUS in Singapore
  • Bomin Jiang, Graduate Research Assistant at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Zhe Weng, Software Engineer, Les Mills Asia Pacific
  • Yicheng Guo, Tech Stop Connect Technician, Google Australia
  • Yanning Liu, Software Engineer (Intern), Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Wei Zhou, Annotator, Seeing Machines
  • https://cecc.anu.edu.au/study/partner-uni/beijing-institute-technology
  • 本科計算機
  • 澳大利亞國立大學(ANU)補習:COMP1140工程與計算機科學學院:輔導補習及選課指導
  • 澳國立大學|超詳細選課攻略
  • https://m.sohu.com/a/575884104_121267756/?pvid=000115_3w_a&strategyid=00014《澳國立IT專業選課攻略!_手機搜狐網》-上搜狐網,查看更多精彩內容
  • 計算機工程本碩課程設置https://weibo.com/1716216201/4897931687888261
  • 學分設置https://weibo.com/1716216201/4897925598281758
  • 澳大利亞國立大學聯合培養項目-計算機學院主頁
  • 澳大利亞國立大學 – 中國科學院大學本科教育網
  • https://m.bilibili.com/opus/696161984792494112?share_token=d4ddf536-813a-4da2-91a8-86bf1354db01&tt_from=copy_link&utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=toutiao_android&utm_campaign=client_share?= 澳國立計算機選課踩雷預警 – 嗶哩嗶哩 – 今日頭條
  • https://m.jjl.cn/article/842658.html?share_token=5298c754-8aa0-4566-875f-3d33c882588d&tt_from=copy_link&utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=toutiao_android&utm_campaign=client_share?= 澳國立大學高級計算機本科課程-
  • https://gjjlc.lnu.edu.cn/info/10005/69568.htm?share_token=c421e4ff-f834-4d10-8b20-497f736cd1df&tt_from=copy_link&utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=toutiao_android&utm_campaign=client_share?= 我校信息學院與澳洲國立大學計算機工程…-遼寧大學 國際交流處 – 今日頭條
  • https://www.xxgk.sdu.edu.cn/info/1050/2042.htm?share_token=7f168289-3fd1-446a-a733-635db2a814be&tt_from=copy_link&utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=toutiao_android&utm_campaign=client_share?= 山東大學與澳大利亞國立大學合作舉辦計算機科學與技術專業本科教育項目 – 今日頭條
  • 國際雙學位_北京理工大學教務處本科生國際交流
  • 澳大利亞國立大學訪學項目_北京理工大學教務處本科生國際交流
  • 聯系學院_北京理工大學教務處本科生國際交流
  • https://abroad.bit.edu.cn/xmfl/alx/gjsxw/b61301.htm 雙學位項目。參加項目的學生,大學前兩年在我校學習,之後赴該校學習
  • 北理工校領導率團訪問新西蘭和澳大利亞高校
  • 2020年寒假澳大利亞國立大學(ANU)實驗項目報名通知_北京理工大學教務處本科生國際交流
  • 2013年11月我校與澳大利亞國立大學合作開展訪學項目。參加項目學生,大學前三年在我校學習,後一年赴該校學習。按我校專業學院要求完成國外學習任務的學生,可獲得我校的相應學分。成績合格者可獲得我校畢業證書和學士學位證書。https://www.bit.edu.cn/rcpy_sjb/bksjy_sjb/xxgg_bksjy/a122028.htm?share_token=ffce97c8-5cdc-4be0-bfe4-4ab7dcf1578a
  • 不過anu我們學校有很多牛人,有的回國當副教授大部分也是去加拿大和美國瞭
  • 是,工科基本上熱門專業畢業的博士能達到留校當助教或者博後的年薪沒有低於100的
  • 因為在國外就業本科生最好找工作
  • 而且兩年緩沖期挺好的,挺利於個人選擇
  • 而且申請的時候語言免試,本科做過些special topic對申請幫助很大。(挺多啊,均分成績70+自己找老師聊,老師一般都會給的)
  • https://www.bit.edu.cn/rcpy_sjb/bksjy_sjb/a78100.htm?share_token=93f8578e-8e89-4678-bf06-a980be7151f6  自2007年北理工與澳大利亞國立大學開展本科生雙學位合作項目以來,已有68名同學參加本項目,17名同學順利獲得瞭兩校的學士學位。
  • ANU CSC聯合培養 https://www.bit.edu.cn/gjjl_sjb/gljg_gjjl/xxgg_gljg/a15962.htm?share_token=7a4d340e-cfc1-48f4-bd9e-c020eebb7488
  • ANU通信與電子系統:通信工程 電子科學與技術 信息對抗技術 信息工程 (信息與電子工程學院); 光電信息工程 光信息科學與技術 測控技術與儀器(光電學院); 自動化 電氣工程與自動化 (自動化學院);過程裝備與控制工程(化工與環境學院)。
  • ANU材料和機械系統:材料科學與工程,高分子材料與工程,材料化學及控制工程,材料化學(材料學院)
  • ANU機電學:工業工程,機械工程及自動化(機械與車輛學院)
  • 北京理工大學化學與化工學院的前身是1940年的延安自然科學院化學工程科,後幾經合並、院系調整,2016年,化學學院和化工與環境學院合並成立 化學與化工學院。2017年,生物化工學科並入化學與化工學院。
  • ANU軟件工程:軟件工程(軟件學院)
  • ANU高級計算機:計算機科學與技術(計算機學院)
  • 計算機學院始建於1958年,是全國最早設立計算機專業的高校之一。2018年4月,計算機學院、軟件學院、網絡科學與技術研究院合並成立 新的計算機學院。
  • 分享 | 雙博士項目分享會
  • 寰宇項目|2023年寒假美國加州大學洛杉磯分校大數據及商業應用在線項目
  • 寰宇項目|2023年寒假美國頂尖名校前沿學科項目
  • 【報名通知】西北工業大學與澳大利亞國立大學本科“2+2”工學學士學位聯合培養項目 本科生2+2項目共送出四屆學生,現已畢業10人,其中1人獲得ANU博士offer,1人獲得美國大學碩士offer,6人獲得ANU碩士offer,2人留澳工作。2018年11月12日
  • https://m.toutiao.com/is/6uv7hmw/ – 西工大裡的長安與中國(一) – 今日頭條
  • 遼寧大學亞澳商學院(中外合作辦學機構,1999年起),河南大學國際教育學院(三個本科合作辦學項目,2002年起),澳國立與西北工業大學學分合作項目(2011年起)
  • 遼大輔導員|一“研”為定,定為研一
  • 遼寧大學亞澳商學院代表團蒞臨上海理工大學中英國際學院考察調研
  • 遼寧大學歡迎你|圖說國際商務專業(亞澳商學院中外合作辦學)
  • 空間設計 | 遼寧大學亞澳商學院辦公室
  • 中外合作辦學項目學生出國讀研到底有多香?
  • 遼寧大學畢業的學生可開具60分及格的成績單,並同時開具平均分證明,折算後學生的成績為80% 伯明翰大學International Accounting and finance MSc,和南安普頓大學MSc Accounting and Finance

  • 該獎學金由ANU根據申請學生的資格標準和學術成績自動進行評估和篩選。
  • 200個名額授予國際學生
  • 本科和碩士學習期間所有學費減免25%-50%
  • http://news.sohu.com/a/537097837_121124020


  • 澳洲是英語系國傢,大部分美國大學都會對持有英語系國傢本科學位的同學能提供語言豁免。但是在具體申請過程中,澳洲本科的年制問題卻要復雜的多。
  • 澳洲的本科學士學位課程按照專業的不同,有三年和四年的區別。一般工科類、醫學、建築、教育是四年制課程,文科、商科的學制一般為三年 。
  • 澳洲教育體系在學士學位之上,碩士學位之下,還設置有榮譽學士學位。榮譽學士學位課程是一年制的,可供那些希望進一步深造的優秀本科畢業生學習,為的是給今後的研究性深造提供過渡。


  • 澳洲的三年制學士學位課程是受到全世界廣泛認可的,包括得到我們國傢教育部的承認。
  • 一般情況下,美國大學是直接認可澳洲的三年學士學位,但部分美國大學在招生要求裡明確寫明隻接受四年制的本科學歷。對於這種情況,學生需要在澳洲獲得榮譽學士學位才可以申請。


  • 芝加哥大學: 可考慮三年制本科申請者,但需要根據申請者學術背景進行確認溝通。澳洲學位可豁免語言。
  • Applicants from a three-year bachelor’s program will be given ue consieration. The English language requirement may be waive if the applicant is a Unite States native or stuie in full-time status for at least one acaemic year within the last five years in the Unite States, Unite Kingom, Irelan, Australia.
  • http://graamissions.uchicago.eu/amissions/international/
  • 加州大學洛杉磯分校: 隻接受四年制本科學位。
  • International stuents who hol three-year orinary pass egrees, or who hol professional iplomas in accounting, business, librarianship, social work, physical eucation, health eucation an so on, or four-year egrees, iplomas or higher certificates from technical, vocational or postseconary specialize schools are not eligible for grauate amission.
  • http://gra.ucla.eu/gasaa/amissions/ACADRECS.HTM#International
  • 南加州大學: 申請時由學院重新評估本科 GPA 與學位。此外,對其他國傢的要求是畢業要有 equivalent 學位才能申請,對澳大利亞這個國傢要求我看到如下:是需要四年的本科的 。
  • Four-year bachelor egree OR Honours bachelor egree an:
  • · Official acaemic transcript
  • · “B” or “Creit” minimum average
  • http://www.usc.eu/amission/grauate/international/requirements.html
  • 佩珀代因大學: 需要 WES 成績單認證,部分學院除瞭英國與美國大學的學生,國際生都需要提供語言成績。
  • 這所學校比較特殊的要求是 Graziaio School of Business an Management 這個學院 Official TOEFL, IELTS or PTE score (waive if you grauate from a U.S. or U.K. university) , Seaver School 也要求
  • All stuents whose native language is not English must submit scores on the TOEFL 所以申請前還需要和學校確認一下是否豁免語言成績。
  • http://bschool.pepperine.eu/programs/full-time-mba/amission/requirements.htm
  • 約翰霍普金斯大學: 所有非英語母語的學生必須要提供語言成績,沒有指出本科在英語國傢上學這種特例,所以還是應該和學校溝通一下問是否可以免除。除此之外,此學校需要進行成績單認證。
  • Applicants whose native language is not English must submit proof of their proficiency in English before they can be offere amissions an before a visa certificate can be issue.
  • http://gra.jhu.eu/amissions/apply/
  • 華盛頓大學: 研究生院會自行根據申請者國傢的教育體系,所受教育機構水平和研究完成情況評估是否接受非美國本科的國際申請者。
  • The official assessment an acaemic preparation of international stuents must be one by the Grauate School. The evaluation of an overseas egree is base on the following:
  • · The characteristics of a national system of eucation in the home country
  • · The type of institution attene
  • · The fiel of stuy an level of stuies complete
  • · Official accreitation/recognition status of school
  • http://www.gra.washington.eu/amissions/faq/international.shtml
  • 德州大學奧斯汀分校: 與華大一樣由學校自行評估是否具有錄取資格。
  • A bachelor’s egree from a regionally accreite institution in the Unite States or a comparable egree from a foreign acaemic institution. The Grauate an International Amissions Center (GIAC) will etermine eligibility for amission in consultation with prospective grauate programs.
  • http://www.utexas.eu/ogs/amissions/requirements.html
  • 威斯康辛麥迪遜分校: 針對澳洲申請者, 需要四年制的學位或者榮譽學位。
  • Country: Australia
  • Acaemic Requirements: 4 year bachelor or honours egree.
  • Acaemic Documents Require: Official transcript an official certification of egree an ate aware. Documents must be issue by the school with the official stamp an signature.
  • English Proficiency Requirements: English proficiency test not require.
  • http://www.gra.wisc.eu/eucation/amissions/requirements.html
  • 馬裡蘭大學帕克分校: 官網說接受澳洲本科,並可豁免語言。但是部分學生申請後被專業學院發瞭拒信,比如金融專業,理由是不接受三年制本科。所以此所三年制本科申請風險很高,不建議申請。
  • Stuents who will be aware a egree from the U.S., Unite Kingom, Anglophone Africa, Anglophone Canaa, Irelan, Australia, New Zealan, Singapore, an the Commonwealth Caribbean prior to enrolling in the University of Marylan are not require to submit TOEFL or IELTS.
  • http://www.international.um.eu/ies/97
  • **申請總結:
  • 1 在澳大利亞三年制的本科,隻要把所學專業修完獲得本國正規大學學士學位就都是可以申請美國的碩士的。少數學校要求四年制本科,所以定校前需要確認好學校要求。如果確認去美國留學,建議再學一年的 Honours bachelor egree 對申請更有利。所以留美申請一定要提前至少一年做規劃。
  • 2 成績單有些學校需要認證,申請的時候看好要求, 按照學校申請要求達到 3.0/4.0 即可申請,當然 GPA 高會是優勢。
  • 3 問是否申請時候對於學分有要求,隻要是正規的三年大學畢業應該都會達到。學分問題不用擔心。
  • 4 對於 GRE/GMAT ,美國本土學生也是需要提供的,但是此項也不排除個別專業個別學校可免,比如 TESOL 專業,水牛城, MSU 和舊金山大學就不需要提供 GRE 。
  • 資金擔保(涵蓋1年的學費+生活費)獲獎ESSAY 論文


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