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授權轉載自:INSIGHT視界WX號:weinsight原作者:阿美 不管是不是freshman,可能都會遇到一個讓你懵逼的問題——到底怎麼給教授寫郵件啊? 畢竟,在學校裡

授權轉載自:INSIGHT視界WX號:weinsight原作者:阿美 不管是不是freshman,可能都會遇到一個讓你懵逼的問題——到底怎麼給教授寫郵件啊? 畢竟,在學校裡跟教授溝通的很重要一個方式就是郵件,但我們國傢沒有寫郵件的傳統,更別說用非母語的英語去寫瞭。 別擔心,主頁君今天為大傢準備瞭全網最全郵件模板!涵蓋瞭考試改分、要推薦信、請假、約見教授等等情景! 別客氣,直接拿去用!(模板在文中!)

一封合格的郵件無外乎緊抓幾個部分——標題+稱呼+正文+落款。 1、標題 標題的精髓就四個字:簡明扼要。 因為教授每天都要接收大量郵件,所以說明來意,必要時附上個人信息,例如 student ID 等,非常重要。 標題裡一般有這幾個關鍵詞: 博士申請Ph.D. application 獎學金申請Application for scholarship 作業提問 Question about essay 請假 Excused Absence約時間見面 Asking for an appointment 請求延期Extension for xxx 2、稱呼 對對方的稱呼應該嚴肅有禮貌,可以直接用對方的正式頭銜。 假如你的教授是個Ph.D.,那就要以Dr. XX來稱呼,假如你並不知道TA是否是個Ph.D.,那就直接用 Prof. XX. Dear Prof. (last name)/ Greetings Prof. (Last name)/ Dr. (last name) 都可以。

3、正文 正文分為幾個部分:(1)簡單問候(2)自我介紹(3)你郵件的目的(4)詳細內容 問候語—— 常見的問候語可以用:Hope this email finds you well. / I hope all is well. / We send you our best wishes. 疫情期間也可以用:I hope you are keeping safe. 自我介紹—— 點明姓名、班級、與教授的聯系(方便Ta想起你)即可。 My name is XX and l am your student in XXX class. 最好寫清楚具體的課號,因為教授很可能同時給同專業的多個課程授課,這樣有助於提高溝通的有效性。 自我介紹完之後,可以適當Flatter them,拍拍馬屁表示自己非常喜歡他們的課程,例如:I enjoyed your lecture/seminar/XXX.

郵件目的—— 問候和自我介紹完之後,最好簡單明瞭地告訴教授這封郵件的重點或目的。 I am writing to inquire…我寫這封信是想詢問… I am writing in reference to……我寫這封信是關於… I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with… / to complain about… 我想投訴… 詳細內容—— 這是郵件最重要的部分!我們需要高效地向教授表達來意及請求,大傢可以記住簡單的3C原則,即clear清晰,correct正確,concise簡明。 例如: l have a question about the essay due next Tuesday. (提出疑問) I am hoping you would be willing to write a strong/positive letter of recommendation (推薦信) Could you please tell me what to do next? (請求) I would be grateful if you could give me more time to… Could I please book to see you during your Office Hour on Friday? At 2 pm? (線下約談)

4、致謝落款 此時的教授已經看完你的郵件,別忘瞭再次發出感謝的彩虹屁~ 可以用Thank you for your time 或是 Have a great rest of your day. 最後就是落款瞭,別忘瞭第一個字母大寫: Sincerely,(最正式最穩妥) Yours sincerely, Respectfully, Best regards, Best,

1、如何向教授咨詢作業要求和格式? Subject: Inquiry about the requirements of assignment XXX Dear Prof.XXX: Hope this email finds you well. My name is XX, and l am a student of your Economics 201 course. I am writing to inquire about the requirement of assignment 1. l would like to know if there is one preferred reference style for this course, or can I use the one l am familiar with. At the same time, are there any requirements for the file format? Look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, XX(your name)

2、如何請求和導師當面談話? Subject: Follow up on the exam Hi Dr. XX(Last name): I enjoyed your XXX(課程名)lecture yesterday, thank you. l am a student in your introduction to Psychology class PSY101. I have read the recommended textbook and reports relating to the topic, but do not fully comprehend it. Can I please book to see you during your Office Hour on Friday at 2 pm, so you could advise me of any other books that approach this topic? Thank you. Best regards, XXX(your name) 3、如何在考試後正確要分! 不同情況不同模板。 如果單純要分,則可以解釋下自己要分的原因,常用句式—— l wanted to reach out and ask you if you would consider raising my grade from a C- to a C because this was my second time taking this course. l need to have a minimum of C to graduate on time. I have a deferred admission into a business school so I am trying to maintain an A- or above.

如果是教授給分不合理或者計分錯誤,則可以用—— l am emailing you today because l just noticed you gave me a xx(grade) on a problem set 3. I have a question about my grade on a problem set 4.(引出主題) For Question 2 l lost xx points. I was a bit unsure cause I believe my answer is correct. For question 3 you took xx points off, but the answer you posted is exactly what I wrote, so l am a bit confused.(具體原因) Could you please recheck the grade for me? Could you please fix the grade for me?(訴求) 結尾別忘瞭吹彩虹屁—— Thanks for a great semester, I learned a lot and enjoyed your class.

4、如何要推薦信 想要寫出一個100%回復率的索要推薦信的郵件,需要掌握郵件幾個基本的結構。 標題還是四字要訣:簡明扼要。 你可以說reference letter requesting from XXX(your name),或者 XXX(your name) requests reference. 正文:1、簡單寒暄2、簡單自我介紹,本段結尾處道明來意(你是誰,你與教授的關系,你的請求)。3、說服對方,為什麼要給你寫推薦信(這段是重頭戲)——(1)說明你的 Research field 以及 Research interest(2)簡單介紹你正在做的Research project,或者最突出的 Research Achievement(3)你準備申請哪幾所學校的哪些項目,或者哪傢公司的哪個崗位4、 誇誇教授!5、附上我們的簡歷、成績單、也可以加上已經寫好的PS,在郵件裡也提一嘴,提醒老師查看。6、最後可以給教授拒絕的權利,委婉地表達自己會充分尊重對方的時間或者個人意志,但別忘瞭告訴對方:如果不寫,不要忘瞭告訴你,這樣你也有時間找新的推薦人。

好瞭!模板奉上! Subject: Reference letter requesting from XXX(your name) Dear Prof. xxx(Last name), Hope you are enjoying the summer! I'm XXX (your name), currently a graduate student from xxx department. I was in xxx research group and supervised by you. I really enjoyed that experience and was really grateful for your assistance and advice. I plan to pursue a Ph.D.degree / work in the field of xxx for my future development after graduation, and I really hope that you can provide me with a reference letter. My interest field is xxxxx and currently, I'm working on the xxx research project with Dr.xxx. Based on the data from xxxx, I developed a xxx model and got the conclusion that xxx. These experiences really sparked my research interest and made me determined on studying xxx topic. I'm going to apply for economics and applied economics programs, such as xxx, xxx, and xxx, for a total of 10 programs. I know you are really busy, so I would highly appreciate it if you would like to write a recommendation letter to support my application. I gained a lot from your advice, so when thinking about the referee, you were the first professor that came into my mind. I am incredibly grateful for your support. I have also attached my CV and transcript for your reference. Thank you for reading this email and could you please let me know if you make the decision. I'm really looking forward to hearing from you! Take care! Best wishes, XXX(your name) 一個tips: 與教授聯系的時間盡量越早越好,最好在申請季開始前就能確定下來。

當然,如果教授給你寫瞭推薦信,作為有禮貌的崽,別忘瞭寫封感謝信給對方—— Dear Prof . XXX, Thank you for taking the time to write on my behalf for my graduate school/job application. I appreciate your support throughout this process. I will keep you updated about my progress in applying to graduate school/jobs. Thanks again for your help. It is much appreciated. Best,XXX(your name) 5、如何跟進回復郵件? 給教授發完郵件後,通常會面臨兩種情況: (1)得到回復,我們該如何回復郵件(2)如果沒有得到回復,如何正確的提醒 莫慌!主頁君挨個給模板! 1)如何跟進回復郵件: Subject:直接回復上條郵件,無需重新輸入標題。 Dear Prof. XXX: I'm writing to follow up on my email l sent earlier this week regarding a question l have about the [name of assignment/ exam]. Truly looking forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Xx(your name)

2)如何禮貌提醒教授回復: 盡量說得簡短,因為你上封郵件已經涵蓋瞭所有細節,不需要再復述一遍。 如果你很著急的話,也可以在follow-up郵件裡跟教授schedule一個meeting,當面談你的問題。 模板奉上—— Dear Prof. xx, l just wanted to check in and see if you had an update on xxx(上次郵件的具體事件) Best, XX(your name) Dear Prof. xx, l just wanted to check if you got a chance to look into my prior email from May 10th (上次的日期). Thank you again, and I hope to hear from you soon. Best, XX(your name)

6、如何合理有效地請假? Subject: Leave of absence request on XX (date) Dear Prof. XX : l hope this email finds you well. l am XX and my student number is XX. I'm currently a student in your class XXX. l am writing to inform you that l shall be absent from my classes on XXX due to personal reasons. Could l request a leave of absence from you? l apologize for any inconvenience caused by my request. l am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, XX 還有一點很重要,那就是在你點擊“Send”前一定要再三檢查你的郵件內容以及附件! 寫郵件是一個熟能生巧的過程,相信各位小夥伴不用太久就能擺脫模板輕松搞定郵件瞭! 祝各位小夥伴每個學期都能順順利利~



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