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《冰與火之歌-A Game Of Thrones》英文原版閱讀-PROLOGUE 0-1

“We should start back,” Gared urged[1] as[2] the woods began to grow dark around them.

“We should start back,” Gared urged[1] as[2] the woods began to grow dark around them.

“The wildlings[3] are dead.”

“Do the dead frighten[4] you?” Ser Waymar Royce asked with just the hint [5]of a smile.

Gared did not rise to[6] the bait[7]. He was an old man, past fifty, and he had seen the

lordlings come and go. “Dead is dead,” he said. “We have no business with the dead.”

“Are they dead?” Royce asked softly[8]. “What proof [9]have we?”

“Will saw them,” Gared said. “If he says they are dead, that’s proof enough for me.”

Will had known they would drag[10] him into the quarrel[11] sooner or later. He wished it had been later rather than sooner. “My mother told me that dead men sing no songs,” he put in.[12]

“My wet nurse[13] said the same thing, Will,” Royce replied. “Never believe anything you hear at a woman’s tit[14]. There are things to be learned even from the dead.” His voice echoed[15], too loud in the twilit[16] forest.

“We have a long ride before us,” Gared pointed out[17]. “Eight days, maybe nine. And night is falling.”

Ser Waymar Royce glanced[18] at the sky with disinterest[19]. “It does that every day about this time. Are you unmanned[20] by the dark, Gared?”


“你還怕死人嗎?”Waymar Royce爵士帶著一絲嘲笑問道。







Waymar Royce爵士冷冷的瞥瞭一眼天空,“每天都會天黑,你還怕這個嗎,Gared?”

Will could see the tightness[21] around Gared’s mouth, the barely[22] suppressed [23]anger in his eyes under the thick[24] black hood[25] of his cloak[26]. Gared had spent forty years in the Night’s Watch, man and boy[27], and he was not accustomed to[28] being made light of[29]. Yet it was more than that. Under the wounded[30] pride, Will could sense[31] something else in the older man. You could taste[32] it; a nervous[33] tension that came perilous close to[34] fear.


Will shared his unease. He had been four years on the Wall. The first time he had been sent beyond[35], all the old stories had come rushing back, and his bowels[36] had turned to water. He had laughed about it afterward[37]. He was a veteran[38] of a hundred rangings by now, and the endless dark wilderness[39] that the southron[40] called the haunted[41] forest had no more terrors[42] for him.



  1. ^urged v.敦促;催促;力勸;大力推薦;竭力主張;驅趕;鞭策 urge的過去分詞和過去式
  2. ^as prep. 作為;像;至於…;關於…;在…時 adv. 像 conj. 當;因為
  3. ^wildlings n.野生動物,這裡應該指“野人”
  4. ^frighten v. 使驚恐;害怕
  5. ^hint n. 線索,跡象;提示,註意事項;暗示;微量 vt. 暗示 vi. 暗示,提示
  6. ^rise to:(成功的)應對,迎接,上升到
  7. ^bait n.誘餌,v.下誘餌,激怒
  8. ^softly adv.柔軟的,靜靜地,溫和地,柔和地
  9. ^proof n.證明,檢驗,證據,adj. 防/抗…的;能抵禦 v. 使防水(或防火等);印…的校樣;校對
  10. ^drag v. 拖拉;緩慢移動;拖著(腳或腿)走;(時間)過得很慢 n. 拖累;令人不快的事;吸一口;空氣阻力;男扮女裝
  11. ^quarrel n. 爭吵,分歧;抱怨的理由 v. 爭吵;反對
  12. ^put in 放入,投入,此處隻能想到表達為“插話”
  13. ^wet nurse 奶媽
  14. ^tit n. [鳥]山雀;小馬;小丫頭;奶頭
  15. ^echoed n. 回聲;重復,附和;再現 v. 回響;發出回聲;重復,附和;模仿;持續影響
  16. ^twilit adj..暮光照亮的,暮光下的;黃昏的
  17. ^point out 指出,指明
  18. ^glanced v. 瞥;瀏覽 n. 一瞥
  19. ^disintrest n. 無興趣; 不關心; 冷漠;客觀
  20. ^unmanned adj. 被閹割的;(機器,尤指航天器)無人駕駛的;怯懦的;(鷹等)未受狩獵訓練的 v. 使失去男子氣質( unman的過去式和過去分詞 );閹割;使怯懦;使氣餒
  21. ^tightness n.緊密,堅固
  22. ^barely adv. 勉強才能;幾乎不,幾乎沒有;剛剛;僅僅,隻有;貧乏地,光禿禿;<古>公開地,不加掩飾地
  23. ^suppressed v. 鎮壓;阻礙發展;禁止(發表、傳播);封鎖;抑制;阻止;部分消除(電幹擾);自覺抑制(不愉快的記憶)(suppress 的過去時和過去分詞) adj. 被封鎖的;被抑制的;被鎮壓的
  24. ^thick adj. 厚的,粗的;有……厚的;(衣服)厚重的,暖和的 ;(字體)粗體的;茂密的,繁茂的;(毛發)濃密的;(煙、雲、霧等)渾濁的,能見度低的;(液體)稠的,濃的;<非正式> 愚鈍的,笨的;(尤指由於疾病、酗酒而使頭腦)隱痛的,思路不清的;充滿的,彌漫的;(因為難過等而嗓音)沙啞的,低沉的;(口音)重的,難聽懂的;親密無間的,交情厚的 n. 在……最激烈時,在……最緊張的時刻(the thick) adv. 厚地,濃密地;大量地
  25. ^hood n.兜帽;頭巾;車篷;引擎罩
  26. ^cloak n.披風;鬥篷;遮蓋物;掩蓋. v.籠罩,覆蓋;遮掩
  27. ^man and boy 從小到大(指男子)
  28. ^accustomed to. 習慣於..
  29. ^made light of 輕視;對……不在乎
  30. ^wounded adj. 負傷的,受瞭傷(害)的 v. 使受傷,傷害( wound的過去式和過去分詞 );使(心靈)受傷,傷感情;纏繞( wind的過去式和過去分詞 );卷繞
  31. ^n. 感覺官能(即視、聽、嗅、味、觸五覺);感覺;天賦,悟性;理智,判斷力;好處;意義;看待…的角度 v. 感覺到;意識到;檢測出
  32. ^taste n.味道,滋味;味覺;愛好,興趣;(個人)喜歡的事物(tastes);鑒賞力,品味;體驗,嘗試;(某段經歷造成的)感覺,感受;(用來品嘗的)一點兒,少量,一口;(用於短語,表示某人的言行舉止等)得當,不得當 v.嘗起來;嘗出……的味道;嘗,品嘗;(短暫地)體驗,領略,經歷;意識到,感覺到
  33. ^nervous adj. 神經緊張的;神經質的;神經的
  34. ^came perilous close to 【固定搭配】險些,接近
  35. ^beyond prep. 在(或向)……較遠的一邊;晚於,遲於;涵蓋,包括;除……之外;超出(范圍);非(某人)所能理解 adv. 在另一邊,在(或向)更遠處;(延續)到……之後
  36. ^bowels n. 內臟(尤指人的腸);同情心;勇氣(bowel 的復數) v. 取出……的腸子(bowel 的第三人稱單數)
  37. ^afterward adv. 以後,後來
  38. ^veteran n. 老兵,退伍軍人;經驗豐富的人,老手
  39. ^wilderness n. 未開發的地區,荒野;荒蕪的地方,雜草叢生處;低潮時期,在野;大量,茫茫一片
  40. ^southron n. 英格蘭人;南部人
  41. ^adj. (地方,場所)幽靈出沒的,鬧鬼的;憂心忡忡的,滿面愁容的
  42. ^terror n. 驚恐,恐懼;引起恐怖的人(或事物);(尤指有政治目的的)恐怖活動,恐怖主義;<非正式>討厭鬼,搗蛋鬼(尤指小孩)


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